#Rich Mom

3 min readDec 9, 2020

I’m not sure how this idea materialized into something tangible. I’ve been exposed to casual landlord-ing and real estate hoarding from my grandparents, but always thought this would come for me later in life. And certainly not full time. Stand-by, this is not about to be some great success story, rather more humbly, how I’m (currently) creating goals for myself and making shit happen.

My boyfriend’s roommate bought a house. He’s 25, so this is not some far-fetch occurrence, but coming from a young, single businessman, this is not necessarily to be expected. See, unlike my acquaintances from high school in Texas, who got married and settled down in the South, bought a house and created a baby, Dan (let’s call him) saw buying a house as an investment opportunity. While visiting my boyfriend, I asked Dan many questions, and he was always excited to share his recent experiences and lessons.

This new avenue excited me. All of a sudden, buying a house seemed so feasible, even at my age. You see, I’ve been through a roller coaster of emotions from recruiting these past couple months. It was really important to me that I keep myself busy in productive ways. I’ve been reading and listening to daily podcasts, but all of a sudden job-hunting was not my sole priority. I remember the very moment I was telling my boyfriend, Jackson (let’s call him), that job-hunting felt like a menial priority compared to the future I was planning for myself.

As soon as my visit was over and I returned home, I quickly hit the books. I found BiggerPockets — a great online resource (+ podcasts!) that I’ve been using. I’ve read a couple books — The Book on Real Estate Property Investing, The Book on Real Estate with No (and Low Money Down), and Rich Dad Poor Dad — which have all been great in building that solid foundation. I’ve also been listening to podcasts (BiggerPockets), watching some YouTube channels (Ken McElroy, Rich Dad Channel, etc.), and connecting with my real estate friends. I know there’s much more to be learnt and grit to be done, but I’m excited.

Somehow, in a time of unemployment and instability in the state of the world, real estate has kept me hopeful and determined. I am aware that I am deeply lucky to have been able to move back home and save money, and have solid influences in my life. I would like to take the hand I’m dealt, educate myself and pursue the opportunities that present themselves in my life. I want the independence and free will not to be chained to the norms from which working in corporate America industries expect of me. Maybe this is just the unemployed self within me desperately pleading to be bailed out of the recruitment process. Or maybe this is a sensible, tenacious, mature Nat developing. Maybe it’s both. Spare no time, though making these distinctions. Things to be done! Stay tuned..

